Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A gallery view for Craigslist

A gallery view for Craigslist

As much as I love Craigslist, I sometimes find the interface a bit limited.

My biggest wish? That there was an option for showing the search results as an image gallery, like eBay has. This could prove quite useful for browsing things like antiques, furniture, art: categories where I only need a quick glance at an object's picture and I immediately know if I am interested or not. Craigslist does have an option for embedding pictures to the search results, but their size and resolution are so small it is quite impractical.

Here is a short R program I have put together that does the job. As much as possible, I have tried to break it into small and meaningful modules so it will be easy to maintain and build upon.

First, a function for turning a query into a Craigslist URL:

search.url <- function(query,
site.url = "http://atlanta.craigslist.org",
category = "sss",
title.only = TRUE,
min.price = integer(0),
max.price = integer(0),
pic.only = TRUE) {
## This function creates a search URL on Craigslist.
## Inputs:
## - query: search string
## - site.url: Craigslist site URL
## - category: a three-letter code for the category; some examples
## "sss": all for sale/wanted, "zip": free stuff
## - title.only: boolean for restricting the search to add titles
## - min.price minimum price
## - max.price: maximum price
## - pic.only: boolean for restricting the search to adds with pics
## Output: a string representing a Craigslist search URL
search <- list(query = gsub(" ", "+", query),
catAbb = category,
srchType = ifelse(title.only, "T", "A"),
minAsk = as.integer(min.price),
maxAsk = as.integer(max.price),
hasPic = as.numeric(pic.only))
valid <- sapply(search, length) > 0L
search.str <- paste(names(search)[valid], search[valid],
sep = "=", collapse = "&")
search.url <- paste(site.url, "/search/sss?", search.str, sep = "")
view raw search.url.R hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Then a function that reads the search results and recombines them into an image gallery:

view raw image.gallery.R hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Finally, an interactive function for wrapping everything together:

search.craigslist <- function(site.url = "http://atlanta.craigslist.org",
ncol = 3L) {
## This function prompts the user with questions for searching Craigslist
## (search items, price, etc.) and displays the search results into an image
## gallery.
## Inputs:
## - site.url: Craigslist site URL
## - ncol: the number of columns for the output image gallery
## Output: none. As a side effect, a browser is opened.
query <- readline("search Craigslist for: ")
category <- .pick.category()
title.only <- readline("search titles only (press 1 or ENTER to skip): ")
min.price <- readline("min price (press ENTER to skip): ")
max.price <- readline("max price (press ENTER to skip): ")
pic.only <- readline("pic only (press 1 or ENTER to skip): ")
title.only <- title.only == "1"
min.price <- as.integer(min.price)
max.price <- as.integer(max.price)
pic.only <- pic.only == "1"
url <- search.url(query = query,
site.url = site.url,
category = category,
title.only = title.only,
min.price = min.price,
max.price = max.price,
pic.only = pic.only)
image.gallery(url, ncol = ncol)
.pick.category <- function() {
## This function prompts a menu for selecting a search category and returns
## the corresponding 3-letter code used by Craigslist
categories <- read.table(textConnection("
sss = all for sale / wanted
ata = antiques
ppa = appliances
ara = arts+crafts
pta = auto parts
baa = baby+kids
bar = barter
haa = beauty+health
bia = bikes
boo = boats
bka = books
bfa = business
cta = cars+trucks
ema = cd/dvd/vhs
moa = cell phones
cla = clothing+accessories
cba = collectibles
sya = computers
ela = electronics
gra = farm+garden
zip = free stuff
fua = furniture
gms = garage sales
foa = general for sale
hsa = household
wan = items wanted
jwa = jewelry
maa = materials
mca = motorcycles
msa = musical instruments
pha = photo+video
rva = recreational vehicles
sga = sporting goods
tia = tickets
tla = tools
taa = toys+games
vga = video gaming"), header = TRUE, sep = "=", strip.white = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
selected.idx <- menu(categories$DESCRIPTION, title = "pick a category:")
view raw pick.category.R hosted with ❤ by GitHub
Not quite a full R/Craigslist API, but one step in the right direction!


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